Monday, 13. May 2024 Week 20

On this day

In his 20 year anniversary post, Terence Eden explains how he uses the "On This Day" feature of his blog every morning to look back on what he was writing on this day in previous years.

Finding this very inspiring, I decided to add a similar feature to my blog.
As my blog is built with Jekyll as static pages, some plain old JavaScript was needed to surface the posts of this day without having to rebuild the page daily.

And here we have now the On this day page :-)

Saturday, 11. May 2024 Week 19

The KonCodie Method

What if Marie Kondo would become a software engineer?

Ben Buchanan did run a parody account on this topic and has archived the posts on his site.

There are some gems :-)

To choose what to keep and what to throw away, take each dependency in one's manifest and ask: "Does this spark joy?" If it does, keep it. If not, remove it from your codebase.

We should be choosing what to .gitkeep, not what we want to .gitignore

Cruft has only two possible causes: too much effort is required to refactor or it is unclear where things belong.

Sunday, 5. May 2024 Week 18

Migrate from legacy CSM boot to UEFI boot

Due to a hardware failure I had to replace one of my computers (switching from a 2015 Intel NUC to a Dell OptiPlex Micro 7010).
After moving the disk to the new system, it refused to boot (claimed that no bootable drive was available).

Turns out that the new system only supports UEFI booting and the existing disk was setup for 'legacy'/CSM boot.

I used the following steps to convert the existing disk to UEFI boot (while keeping all data on it available).
They are inspired by the excellent Switch Debian from legacy to UEFI boot mode guide from Jens Getreu.

  1. Disable secure boot in the BIOS to allow booting from an USB stick.
  2. Create a bootable USB stick with a Debian live system (see my previous post)
  3. Boot into the Debian live system
  4. Identify the disk to work on (/dev/nvme0n1 in my case)
  5. Convert the partition table from MBR to GPT:
    # gdisk /dev/nvme0n1
    r       recovery and transformation options (experts only)
    f       load MBR and build fresh GPT from it
    w	write table to disk and exit
  6. Install gparted into the Debian live system:
    # apt-get install gparted
  7. Create an UEFI partition and a partition for Grub2:
    # gparted /dev/nvme0n1
    Resize an existing partition to create space (does not need to be at the beginning of the disk, I used the swap partition).
    Create a new 100MB partition for efi (named "Efi partition"), format it as fat32 and flag it bootable.
    Create a new 50MB partition for Grub2 (named "BIOS boot partition"), keep it unformatted.
  8. Use gdisk to set proper partition codes (EF00 for the efi partition and EF02 for the Grub2 partition):
    # gdisk /dev/nvme0n1
    p	print the partition table
    t	change a partition's type code
    t	change a partition's type code
    w	write table to disk and exit
  9. Chroot into the on-disk root system:
    # mount -t ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt
    # mkdir /mnt/boot/efi
    # mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/boot/efi
    # mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys
    # mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc
    # mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
    # mount --bind /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts
    # cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf
    # chroot /mnt
  10. Update /etc/fstab:
    # ls -lisa /dev/disk/by-uuid
    Identify the UUID of the EFI partition (usually in the format XXXX-XXXX) and add a corresponding line to /etc/fstab:
    # echo "UUID=XXXX-XXXX /boot/efi vfat defaults 0 2" >> /etc/fstab
  11. Install grub-efi and install Grub2 to the EFI partition:
    # apt-get remove grub-pc
    # apt-get install grub-efi
    # grub-install /dev/nvme0n1
  12. Exit the chroot and reboot the system:
    # exit
    # reboot
  13. Select the Debian bootloader (/EFI/debian/grubx64.efi) in the UEFI BIOS and make it the default :-)

Create a bootable Debian USB stick on macOS

Needed to create a bootable Debian USB stick for some maintenance on one of my computers.
Here are the steps so I won't have to search for them the next time :-)

  1. Download the Debian live CD image
  2. Connect your USB stick and find its device location (/dev/diskX) with:
    sudo diskutil list
  3. If needed unmount your USB stick:
    sudo diskutil unmountdisk /dev/diskX
  4. Write the downloaded image onto the USB stick:
    sudo dd if=./debian-live-12.5.0-amd64-standard.iso of=/dev/diskX bs=1m
Wednesday, 24. April 2024 Week 17
Tuesday, 23. April 2024 Week 17
Monday, 15. April 2024 Week 16
Saturday, 13. April 2024 Week 15
Thursday, 11. April 2024 Week 15


This post from Rachel, reminded me of my own struggle with a Raspberry Pi and time (and yes, I did run into the same DNSSEC problem).
I first tried a RTC shield, but this didn't fully solve all problems.

My workaround in the end is to use two fixed IP addresses in ntp.conf in additon to the usual pool servers.
Thanks ${previous employer} for not changing the IPs of your public NTP servers so far :-)

Wednesday, 10. April 2024 Week 15

SixSpotting still going on

While browsing through the archives I stumbled upon the SixSpotting post from 2014.
Turns out the game is still working and after some failed attempts I managed to remember my account name and log in.
I guess it must look quite strange to see a burst of new checkins after almost 10 years 😄

My last 5 SixSpotting checkins

Sunday, 7. April 2024 Week 14


After following a couple links from the article linked in the previous blogpost, I ended up reading the Website Component Checklist from Mike Sass.
It provides again a lot of inspiration for things to add to my weblog.
What intrigued me today on the list was humans.txt, which is an initiative for knowing the people behing a website.

Thus I've now added the following humans.txt.

Wednesday, 3. April 2024 Week 14
Saturday, 30. March 2024 Week 13

Puppet updated!

Yay! Successfully updated my Puppet Server setup from 5.3.7 to 8.4.0 🎉

It was quite a step (5.3.7 was released in January 2019) and as expected 3 major version bumps came with a couple changes.

I opted to re-create the PuppetDB and CA stores from scratch (to avoid having to migrate 5 years of data schema changes, and the CA cert is now also valid for a couple more years again).

To make the old manifests and modules work with the new versions, quite some effort was needed. This included rewriting some no longer maintained modules to use newer stdlib and concat libraries, updating a couple modules from the puppet forge (with the bonus that my puppet server runs airgapped and I had to use the download-tar-copy-extract way to install them) and fixing no longer valid syntax here and there in my custom manifests. Overall I spent about 5 hours on it (and have now a recurring reminder to update puppet more often to make this process less painful).

Helpful as usual were the resources from Vox Pupuli, in particular the Puppet Server and PuppetDB Docker images and the CRAFTY repo which contains a fully self-contained Docker Compose setup very similar to what I'm running.

Some commands that came in handy:

puppet config print ssldir --section agent
Returns the path of the TLS config folder on the client. Useful during a CA change (where you rm -rf the whole folder and then request a new TLS certificate).

puppet agent -t --noop
Dry-run the changes on the client (it does request a new TLS cert though!). Shows a nice diff of the changes it would do to files, helpful to validate that a manifest still behaves the same in the new version.

Monday, 25. March 2024 Week 13

Linux Crisis Tools

Brendan Gregg posted the following list of 'crisis tools' which you should install on your Linux servers by default (so they are available when an incident happens).

procpsps(1), vmstat(8), uptime(1), top(1)basic stats
util-linuxdmesg(1), lsblk(1), lscpu(1)system log, device info
sysstatiostat(1), mpstat(1), pidstat(1), sar(1)device stats
iproute2ip(8), ss(8), nstat(8), tc(8)preferred net tools
numactlnumastat(8)NUMA stats
tcpdumptcpdump(8)Network sniffer
linux-tools-$(uname -r)
perf(1), turbostat(8)profiler and PMU stats
bpfcc-tools (bcc)opensnoop(8), execsnoop(8), runqlat(8), softirqs(8),
hardirqs(8), ext4slower(8), ext4dist(8), biotop(8),
biosnoop(8), biolatency(8), tcptop(8), tcplife(8),
trace(8), argdist(8), funccount(8), profile(8), etc.
canned eBPF tools[1]
bpftracebpftrace, basic versions of opensnoop(8),
execsnoop(8), runqlat(8), biosnoop(8), etc.
eBPF scripting[1]
trace-cmdtrace-cmd(1)Ftrace CLI
nicstatnicstat(1)net device stats
ethtoolethtool(8)net device info
tiptoptiptop(1)PMU/PMC top
cpuidcpuid(1)CPU details
msr-toolsrdmsr(8), wrmsr(8)CPU digging
Sunday, 24. March 2024 Week 12

Installing the AREDN firmware on a MikroTik hAP ac lite

At the recent HB9TF AGM fellow radio amateur HB9GVM gave an introductory presentation about AREDN.

Motivated by this, I ordered a MikroTik hAP ac lite and installed the AREDN firmware on it.
The following are my notes of the installation process.

  1. Download the firmware images for the MikroTik hAP ac lite from (both the *kernel.bin and *sysupgrade.bin are needed)
  2. Install Dnsmasq as a PXE server on Mac OS:
    brew install dnsmasq
  3. Setup the *kernel.bin for PXE:
    mkdir tftp-root
    cp $HOME/Downloads/aredn- tftp-root/rb.elf
  4. Connect a Ethernet dongle and configure it with this static IP:
  5. Run dnsmasq as a PXE server listening on the network interface of the Ethernet dongle:
    ifconfig en6 # use to check that IP is configured
    sudo dnsmasq -i en6 -u $(whoami) --log-dhcp --bootp-dynamic --dhcp-range=, -d -p0 -K --dhcp-boot=rb.elf --enable-tftp --tftp-root=$(pwd)/tftp-root/
  6. Power off the hAP ac lite and connect the Ethernet dongle to port 1 (PXE booting only seems to work on this port!)
  7. Press the reset button on the hAP ac lite, power it on and keep the button pressed for about 20 seconds (there is some output of dnsmask once the PXE booting is in progress)
  8. Wait until the hAP ac lite stops blinking and the LEDs are steady again (it also issues a new DHCP request via port1, but this time no PXE booting).
  9. Move the cable to port 2 (the AREDN default config for the MikroTik hAP ac lite uses port 1 for the Internet uplink, and port 2 for the 'inside' local network).
  10. Test that you can ping the inside IP of the AREDN node:
  11. Open the admin page on (Username is root and password is hsmm).
  12. In the Firmware Update section, click on 'Upload Firmware' and select the previously downloaded sysupgrade.bin file.
  13. Wait until a reboot has happened twice (it takes a couple minutes!) to complete the installation.
  14. Open – congratulations, you now have a freshly installed (and not yet configured) AREDN node :-)
Sunday, 17. March 2024 Week 11
Thursday, 7. March 2024 Week 10
Sunday, 25. February 2024 Week 8

Tunnelbroker to the rescue

After nicely delivering native IPv6 connectivity for 3 years, my Internet provider Solnet made some changes in their backbone config on January 31st which broke their IPv6 setup.
Unfortunately escalating with their support did not bear any fruits so far (current state: they no longer respond on the support ticket…).

Thus change of plans, (Hurricane Electric) to the rescue.
Took about 10 minutes to set everything up and now I'm enjoying IPv6 connectivity again (although with a reduced end-to-end MTU due to the 6in4 encapsulation).

Guess I'll have to look for a different Internet provider again.
Especially annoying is that I renewed the yearly plan with Solnet only a couple weeks ago, so will be stuck without native IPv6 connectivity for the next 11 months :-(

The High-Risk Refactoring

In the The High-Risk Refactoring article there is this concise Addressing Risk checklist to keep in mind when refactoring.
During past refactorings (also low-risk ones) I often used almost the same guidelines to help me and can only recommend you to do the same:

✅ Define constraints. How far should I go.
✅ Isolate improvements from features. Do not apply them simultaneously.
✅ Write extensive tests. Higher level (integration) with fewer implementation details. They should run alongside changes.
✅ Have a visual confirmation. Open the browser.

❌ Do not skip tests. Don't be lazy.
❌ Do not rely too much on code reviews and QA. Humans make mistakes.
❌ Do not mix expensive cleanups with other changes. But do that for small improvements.


Please Blog

Please Bloga plea for less Big Web and more Small Web and an encouraging article to write your own blog. It also touches on the part about writing on your own domain (so to keep your content yours and not be at risk of a third-party commercial 'social' service going away).

Don’t wait for the Pulitzer piece. Tell me about your ride to work, about your food, what flavor ice cream you like. Let me be part of happiness and sadness. Show me, that there is a human being out there that, agree or not, I can relate to. Because without it, we are just actors in a sea of actors, marketing, proselytizing, advocating, and threatening towards each other in an always vicious circle of striving for a relevance that only buys us more marketing, more proselytizing, more advocating, and more threats.

(discovered via Thomas Gigold)

Sunday, 18. February 2024 Week 7


Added and ads.txt file to the blog. The idea is to avoid that someone can sell fake advertisment space for this blog.

As I don't use any advertisment here the content of the file is pretty basic:



ldapauth is a Node.js script which I have been using for the last 12+ years mostly unchanged.

It started its life in a LXC container, eventually was moved to a Docker container and recently ended up in its own repository on GitHub.

The functionality it provides is not extraordinary, but helped to bridge a gap where no other product was available.
It talks LDAP one one side (although limited to handle user lookup requests) and on the other side connects to a MongoDB database where the information is stored.

It emerged out of the desire to have an easy way to manage individual user accounts for my home WiFi. I already had MongoDB running for some other personal project and simply added the list of users there (including the UI for managing them).
Thus the missing part was to get the WiFi accesspoint to lookup user accounts in MongoDB.

Of course WiFi accesspoints do not directly talk MongoDB, but rather some other protocol like RADIUS.
A freeradius server was quickly setup, but still couldn't talk to MongoDB at the time. Thus comes in ldapauth, which takes LDAP queries from freeradius and turns them into MongoDB lookups so that in the end the WiFi accesspoint receives the user accounts :-)

Not sure if this is particularly useful for anyone else, but at least here it did provide good services (and continues to do so).
Current score is that it has survived three different WiFi accesspoints and has been running on 5 different servers over the time.

Saturday, 3. February 2024 Week 5


Some time ago I used an online tool to generate some QR codes with a contact URL so I can put them on my luggage.
Now I got a new bag and need a new QR code for it. As I don't remember the online tool I used years ago, I decided to write my own tool.

Thus say hello to qr-bag. It's a commandline tool written in Go to generate QR codes for URLs with a little logo in the middle.
The code for it is mostly a wrapper around the go-qrcode library which does all the heavy lifting.

Example QR code


Just discovered the text-decoration-color CSS property and added it to the style on the blog:

a:hover {color: #454545; text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-color: #26C4FF;}

This causes that when you hover over a link in a post, the underline is not in the same boring gray as the text but lights up in a nice color :-)

(not to be confused with the hacky colored underlines in the righthand navigation bar, where I use a colored border-bottom to achieve a similar effect since 2002)

Wednesday, 31. January 2024 Week 5
Tuesday, 30. January 2024 Week 5

Statistics revived

Following in the trend of replacing tables, I've revived the old statistics page.
Now using less markup as it is built with <div> and CSS only (the display: inline-block; property was particularly helpful).

(the Jekyll/Liquid templating to generate the data for it looks quite horrific though…)

Sunday, 28. January 2024 Week 4

Tables are gone

Over the last couple weeks I slowly replaced the various <table>-based layout elements of the blog with more modern HTML elements.
And finally this afternoon the work was completed with the last <table> element gone.

Visually there should be almost no differences, but in case something looks strange just let me know :-)
(and yes, style-wise everything is still using the pixel-based layout from 2002, one day this might change as well…)

Saturday, 27. January 2024 Week 4

Quick and dirty dark mode

To provide basic dark mode support for the blog, I added the following lines of CSS:

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    html { filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg); }
    img, video, iframe { filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg); }

If the browser/OS has dark mode enabled it will invert the colors and rotate the hue to achieve the dark mode effect.
The whole operation is applied a second time on images, videos and frames to avoid that they have their colors distorted.

You can get a preview by using the developer tools of your browser to enable dark mode :-)

The code is inspired by the post here, and then extended to provide a CSS-only solution by leveraging the color-scheme CSS property.

Sunday, 21. January 2024 Week 3

Keeping old URLs alive

As mentioned before, I'm a supporter of the Cool URIs don't change approach.
Thus I try to keep all the URLs of this blog working (or at least make them redirect to the new place where the content is located).
Not always an easy task with old domains and multiple blogging engines accumulated over the years.

To help me with that (and ensure I don't break anything when updating a 10+ year old mod_rewrite config) I created a short Bash script to test the redirect behavior.
It contains a list of URLs and their expected redirect target, goes through them with curl and checks that the correct Location: header is returned.

As it might be useful for others in similar situations, the script can be found here.

Sunday, 7. January 2024 Week 1

Postfix clear verification cache

While adding some new alias functionality to my setup, it repeatedly failed with an error similar to this, despite my configuration changes:

Recipient address rejected: unverified address: host XXX[XXX] said: 550 5.1.1 
<> User doesn't exist: (in reply to RCPT TO command);

Turns out that the negative verification result is cached and the cache is not reset during a reload/restart of postfix.
Thus it must be cleared manually like this:

/etc/init.d/postfix stop
rm /var/lib/postfix/verify_cache.db
/etc/init.d/postfix start
Wednesday, 3. January 2024 Week 1

Valid HTML5

After switching the colors of the design, I kept the momentum and continued working on the HTML of the blog.

It took couple iterations of multiple hours, but now it's done: the HTML source of this blog is valid HTML5!

Getting rid of the obsoleteness hidden in old blogentries dating back over 20 years also led to some interesting observations.
Back when moving from HTML 4.01 to XHTML 1.1, I remember spending some time to transform old <br> tags to <br />. And now for HTML5 I did the inverse and moved all <br /> tags back to <br> :-)

Also once more I'm very thankful for the work of the Internet Archive, which helped to recover images hosted on servers long gone (like URLs which already at the end of 2002 were no longer valid!).

Overall a lot of replacing no longer existing HTML tags and attributes with CSS definitions.
And there is virtually no change to the visual representation of the blog (which was the goal), so we still have the table-based layout with pixel-sized fonts as originally drafted in 2002.
Moving this to actually leverage modern HTML5 mechanisms and making it also more mobile friendly are tasks left for some future cold winter evenings :-)


Monday, 1. January 2024 Week 1