Notifying external services about changes in the blog
For some time now, I'm notifying about changes in the blog. After looking a bit into how search engines percieve my website recently, I learned that they also have some notification mechanisms for new pages/blogposts.
Thus I upgraded the oneliner into a dedicated script to notify external services about changes in the blog.
It is optimized for my Jekyll setup, where the generated pages in the _site folder are stored in git.
The notification ignores changes to summarized pages like rss.xml etc to only trigger notifications when there are changes in the original blog posts.
Here's the script, feel free to re-use (it expects to have MYDOMAIN, INDEXNOW_API_KEY and BING_API_KEY defined as environment variables):
#!/bin/bash set -e set -u set -o pipefail CHANGES="$(git diff --name-only HEAD HEAD~1 -- _site)" # early abort if no changes on _site if [ -z "$CHANGES" ] ; then echo "No changes in _site found" exit 0 fi # build URL list URLLIST="\"https://${MYDOMAIN}/\"" for f in $CHANGES ; do case "$f" in _site/robots.txt|_site/humans.txt|_site/about.html|_site/rss.xml|_site/atom.xml|_site/feed.json|_site/sitemap.xml) continue ;; *) url=$(echo "$f"|sed -e "sX^_siteXhttps://${MYDOMAIN}X") URLLIST="${URLLIST},\"${url}\"" ;; esac done if [ "\"https://${MYDOMAIN}/\"" = "$URLLIST" ] ; then echo "No relevant changes in _site found, skipping notifications" exit 0 fi # notify (Automattic) about updates curl --fail -s -D - -X POST -H 'content-type: text/xml' --data "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><methodCall><methodName>weblogUpdates.extendedPing</methodName><params><param><value>x-log</value></param><param><value>https://${MYDOMAIN}/</value></param><param><value></value></param><param><value>https://${MYDOMAIN}/rss.xml</value></param></params></methodCall>" # report changed URLs to indexnow, include /indexnow canary URL curl --fail -s -D - -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8' --data "{\"host\":\"${MYDOMAIN}\",\"key\":\"${INDEXNOW_API_KEY}\",\"urlList\":[${URLLIST},\"https://${MYDOMAIN}/indexnow\"]}" # report changes URLs to bing, include /bingsubmit canary URL curl --fail -s -D - -X POST "${BING_API_KEY}" -H 'content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8' --data "{\"siteUrl\":\"https://${MYDOMAIN}\",\"urlList\":[${URLLIST},\"https://${MYDOMAIN}/bingsubmit\"]}"