The Pull Request Hack
Whenever somebody sends you a pull request, give them commit access to your project.
Whenever somebody sends you a pull request, give them commit access to your project.
In the Conventional Commits article, Mike Perham explains how git commit templating can be used to support commit message consistency.
The key part is the template
statement in the ~/.gitconfig
[commit] template = ~/.gitmessage
This references the ~/.gitmessage
file which is used as template for every new commit message.
For Conventional Commits, the following can be useful:
# type(subsystem): short description ### Types # feat: A new feature # fix: A bug fix # docs: Documentation only changes # build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies # ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts # perf: A code change that improves performance # refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature # style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code # test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
In Re-ordering Git commits, Cassidy Williams explains nicely how interactive Git rebasing can be used to re-order Git commits.
git rebase -i HEAD~4
In The beauty of goofy diagrams Einenlum explains how a diagram drawn in a more casual style, can support conveying information easier to the audience.
The thing is, I’m more and more convinced that the style of a presentation matters. Even before looking at the content itself, the style puts you in a particular mood.
[...] To me, although they convey the same content, the first one creates a sense of seriousness and gravity. It feels like only clever people can understand it. I’m already a bit tense and I feel like I need to focus. I almost take a deep breath and say to myself “okay, you can do it”. I feel dumb but I feel that with enough curiosity and hard work I can understand the content.
The second one, on the other hand, makes me feel more relaxed and probably more curious. The topic seems easier to grasp and I’m quite confident I can understand it. It doesn’t mean it brings more clarity: the first diagram is actually probably clearer but the content has more chance of reaching my brain with the second one because I’m more open to it.
I upgraded the blog to the newest Jekyll 4.4.0 which was released yesterday.
Unfortunately this first resulted in the following segfault while running jekyll build
/usr/gem/gems/sass-embedded-1.83.4/ext/sass/embedded_sass_pb.rb:11: [BUG] Segmentation fault at 0x0000000000004410 ruby 3.1.1p18 (2022-02-18 revision 53f5fc4236) [x86_64-linux-musl]
Turns out that this is a known problem of the google-protobuf gem (which is used by jekyll-sass-converter which is part of the default Jekyll).
Luckily there is a workaround.
Adding the following to my Gemfile
fixed it 🎉
gem 'google-protobuf', force_ruby_platform: true if RUBY_PLATFORM.include?('linux-musl')
Robert Birming maintains a very nice Blog Inspiration page.
It contains a collection of articles and resources providing inspiration for blogging.
Ranging from inspiring stories why people blog, over blog directories to accessibility and design resources.
One more for the list of blog directories: — A Blog Directory
A space dedicated to curating a diverse and comprehensive collection of blogs, and personal sites across the web. The goal is to foster a community where content is available for anyone and everyone.
Everything about this site is hand-crafted by two human beings: JCProbably and Lou Plummer.
Russel Baylis shares this helpful article about their learnings regarding improving the working environment to reduce eye strain.
I work from home everyday, I am susceptible to eye strain, eye pain, and dizziness. Having a working environment that’s as easy on my eyes as possible is of critical importance. I'd like to share what I've learned over the years in hopes that it can be helpful to you if you work from home, and like many, have experienced WFH eye strain.
- An even, diffused lighting environment is best for the eyes
- When it comes to light brightness, too much is just as problematic as too little
- Use natural light wherever possible
- Quality of artificial light matters
- The best lighting for camera, is not necessarily the best lighting for ergonomics
- Even the perfect lighting environment will fatigue you — take breaks, and take care of yourself
When connecting to an older SSH device the following 'unable to negotiate' errors occurred. They indicate that my client-side config does not allow the (old/obsolete) methods offered by the device.
Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
This can be fixed by enabling one of the old key exchange methods:
ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss
This can be fixed by additionally enabling one of the old host key types:
ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa
terra tauri quotes from the Platform Engineering book:
If you only promote people who solve big technical problems, you’re going to have a hard time retaining the people who do the work to smooth out the usability edges, actively listen to the customer teams, and adjust their work priorities to fix the stuff that is causing the most pain. So, look closely at what you are celebrating, compensating, and promoting, and make sure you are including work that makes the product better, whatever that looks like, even if it isn’t the hardest technical bits. You may even want to reevaluate your engineering ladder to make sure the expectations at each level reflect all of the skills you now demand. Remember, this is a cultural change, and cultural changes that don’t involve changes to what is valued (as seen by what you recognize and reward) are destined to fail.
Looks like this might be a candidate for my /reading list.