Tools for writing secure Go code

In his writing secure Go code article, Jakub Jarosz lists tools that help with writing secure Go code.
The article lists the tools and for each of them explains what it does and how it contributes to writing secure Go code.

The following tools are covered:

  • go vet
  • staticcheck
  • golangci-lint
  • go test -race
  • govulncheck
  • gosec

An interesting learning for me whas that govulncheck can not only be used to analyze source code, but also to analyze existing binaries.
And there it scans the used libraries for vulnerabilities and wether the vulnerable code paths are actually invoked by the code in the binary.

In the build pipelines of my Go programs, some of these tools are already used.
Room for improvement exists when it comes to using the govulncheck and gosec tools.
Another lonely winter weekend task :-)

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