Jumping on the Web Components bandwagon

The recent article from Adrian Roselli explaining how to write a Web Component for YouTube and Vimeo videos, triggered me to finally adopt the Web Components technology for my blog.
Additionally there is Markus using Web Components for his blog since quite some time, which gave me confidence.

Implementing Web Components was now not only for the sake of learning about the technology, but also to address some longstanding painpoints I had with my embedded videos.
In particular did I not like that each embedded video triggered the loading of a plethora of third-party scripts and styles only to render the thumbnail image. And additionally this leaked tracking/cookie information to the video hosters (yes, I was using www.youtube-nocookie.com to reduce this as far as possible, but could not eliminate it completely).

Thus I added a <youtube-vimeo-embed> Web Component and changed all my embedded YouTube and Vimeo videos to use it.

My implementation is almost a 1:1 copy of the code provided by Adrian, with some minor adaptions (such as hiding the original link when the video iframe can be rendered and always enabling fullscreen mode in videos).

I'm quite happy with the outcome, as it provides some new benefits:
Except for the thumbnail image, no other third-party resources are loaded until someone clicks on the play button.
When JavaScript or Web Components are not supported by a browser, it gracefuly falls back to a simple link to the video.
Loading speed of the whole page improved quite a bit, as videos are only loaded on demand.
It always uses www.youtube-nocookie.com and third-party scripts are only loaded if someone explicitly clicks on the play button of a video :-)

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