Thursday, 9. October 2008 Week 41
Thursday, 4. September 2008 Week 36

Use EPFL Exchange on the iPhone / iPod touch

As EPFL is migrating all its E-Mail services to Exchange, lets use the Exchange functionalities of the iPhone/iPod touch.
Here's the configuration to make it work:

  • E-Mail:
  • Server:
  • Username: studentsusername
  • Password: ********************
Thursday, 21. August 2008 Week 34
Saturday, 9. August 2008 Week 32

Opera 9.25 vs Safari JavaScript syntax error forgiveness

The following definition of an Array works without problems in Safari (and probably Firefox too), but triggers an (legitimate) error in Opera 9.25:

var myArray = [





The error is triggered by the superfluous comma after the last element of the Array. It may be argued for both behaviors, but I would prefer all Browsers accepting such an Array definition also since in other languages (C, Python, PHP) such a redundant comma does not cause any trouble.

Saturday, 2. August 2008 Week 31

Fast disk upgrade for my MacBook Pro

Here's how to upgrade the disk of a MacBook Pro in 45 minutes while keeping all your data/settings/applications:

  1. Uninstall rEFIt and make sure your MBP restarts with the Apple 'default' bootloader
  2. Follow the iFixit Guide to replace your disk
  3. Put the old disk in a SATA-to-USB case (they are available for $7.89 from
  4. Connect the old disk to your MBP and turn the MBP on. (The MBP automagically recognizes the old system and runs it)
  5. Open the Disk Manager and partition your new disk.
  6. Select your new 'system' Volume and open the "Restore" tab.
  7. Drag your old 'system' Volume to the "Source" field and your new 'system' Volume to the "Target" field. Click on "Restore", the contents of your old disk are now copied to the new disk.
  8. After the restore process finishes, shutdown your MBP.
  9. Disconnect your old disk and turn on your MBP.
  10. Voilà. You are booting from the new disk and all your data/settings/applications are there too!
Saturday, 19. July 2008 Week 29
Wednesday, 25. June 2008 Week 26
Friday, 9. May 2008 Week 19


Qu'en est-il de Noir Désir?

On s'est remis au boulot. On projette d'enregistrer un album durant l'hiver prochain… C'est court, mais on a besoin d'une échéance pour se structurer.


Sunday, 4. May 2008 Week 18
Friday, 2. May 2008 Week 18
Wednesday, 30. April 2008 Week 18
Monday, 28. April 2008 Week 18

Gigabyte U7000 USB DTV DVB-T and Ubuntu (8.04)

  1. sudo apt-get install kaffeine dvb-utils mercurial linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential
  2. hg clone
  3. cd v4l-dvb
  4. sudo make
  5. sudo make install

If you're using another flavor of Linux or Ubuntu you may be missing the firmware file, you can get it here.

DVB-T screenshot
Wednesday, 23. April 2008 Week 17
Monday, 21. April 2008 Week 17
Tuesday, 15. April 2008 Week 16
Tuesday, 25. March 2008 Week 13
Sunday, 23. March 2008 Week 12
Wednesday, 5. March 2008 Week 10
Thursday, 21. February 2008 Week 8
Friday, 15. February 2008 Week 7
Thursday, 14. February 2008 Week 7

Python Webserver in 1 or 15 lines

Python Webserver in 1 line:

python -c "import SimpleHTTPServer; SimpleHTTPServer.test()"

Python Webserver in 15 lines:

import BaseHTTPServer

class WebRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):

    def do_GET(self):

        if self.path == '/foo':






    def do_something(self):

        print 'hello world'


server = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('',80), WebRequestHandler)



Monday, 11. February 2008 Week 7
Monday, 4. February 2008 Week 6
Thursday, 24. January 2008 Week 4
Saturday, 19. January 2008 Week 3

How to brick your Mac

  1. Install Mac OS X 10.4
  2. Install rEFIt
  3. Install Linux
  4. After some time decide to upgrade to Mac OS X 10.5 and at the same time make the partition bigger (e.g. by merging with a FAT32 partition which was originally intended to contain some Windows)
  5. Use the GNU Parted utility to delete the Mac OS X and FAT 32 partitions and create a new bigger partition for Mac OS X 10.5.
  6. Restart your Mac.
  7. Cheer that now you can no longer boot from the harddisk or a CD/DVD nor from anything else!

And now, how to un-brick it again:

  1. Call Apple support
  2. Find out that you are lucky and have some warranty left (6 days in my case!!!).
  3. Bring your Mac to an Authorized Service Provider.
  4. Get it back with a new harddisk :-)
Saturday, 12. January 2008 Week 2
Wednesday, 9. January 2008 Week 2
Sunday, 6. January 2008 Week 1
Wednesday, 2. January 2008 Week 1