Wednesday, 23. November 2005Week 47


Da hier anscheinend doch machmal ein paar Benutzer mit dem Internet Explorer vorbeikommen habe ich nun doch noch das Layout so angepasst, dass es auch im Internet Explorer wie gewünscht aussieht (zudem soll ja eine potentielle Kundschaft nicht abgeschreckt werden).

Eigentlich sind die Änderungen am CSS nur ganz klein, aber umso schwerer herauszufinden *grrr*.
Als sehr hilfreich herausgestellt hat sich die parallele Installation verschiedener Internet Explorer Versionen. Dieser Artikel erklärt wie man eine solche Testumgebung erstellt.

Interessanterweise sah der unangepasste Stylesheet im Internet Explorer 4 bedeutend besser aus als im Internet Explorer 5, 5.5 oder 6.

Tuesday, 22. November 2005Week 47

FCE Formal Letter #1

Here's the letter we had to write for this week. In fact it's not totaly written by myself because about 40% of the letter were already given and we just had to complete it.
Since we had to do this letter for today, it's not yet corrected.

Dear Mr Spiller,

Thank you very much for your letter informing me that I have won first prize in the competition. I am looking forward to going to Australia and attending the course.

I would like to do the course in August because in September my courses at the EPFL start.

In the morning, I would like to join a grammar and vocabulary class because I asume my skills in these fields could use an improvement.
In the afternoon, I would like to try making a class website because I was always fascinated by the possibilities of the internet and would like to create a part of it on my own. I would also be interested in trying to make a radio programme because I often listen to the radio and like it a lot.

Could you tell me what type of accommmodation is provided and what kind of clothes I should bring with me?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Andreas Jaggi

Sunday, 20. November 2005Week 46

FCE Informal Letter #2

To continue what I started on Friday: here is the second letter I wrote for the English course. I got back this letter last Thursday, so it comes already with the corrections, but I plan to publish the next letters before I hand them in and to add the corrections afterwards.

Dear Roman,

You asked me for advice regarding next term. Here is the information I gathered for you.

The course registration is on Monday 6 September and Tuesday 7 September from 10.00 to 16.00. Register as early as possible because there are really muchmany people. There is always a big queue, but it is worth it.

Also on Tuesday but at 9.00 the College bookshop opens. You need all the books by Wednesday.
At the bookshop they cost 50 pounds£50, but you can have mine for half price, great bargain!!.

The first lesson starts on Wednesday 8 September at 9.15. It is always good to be there early (9.00) so you have a good seat.

On Wednesday evening there is a welcome party at 20.00 at Seven Starts Hotel, it is always a great fun. Maybe we will meet there?

See you there


Kommentar Spam

Seit gestern haben hier die Spam-Kommentare massiv zugenommmen (sprich 40-50 anstelle von 0-10 pro Tag). Zudem werden sie nicht mehr über den ganzen Tag verteilt abgegeben sondern fast alle innerhalb der gleichen 5-10 Minuten.

Glücklicherweise habe ich schon vor einiger Zeit meinen "naiven" Badword-Filter durch einen Bayes'schen Spamfilter ersetzt, der bisher alle(!) Spam-Kommentare erkannt und markiert hat.
Aber es ist trotzdem ärgerlich immer die als Spam markierten Kommentare zu löschen (momentant habe ich noch nicht genügend Vertrauen in den Filter als dass ich ihn die Spam-Kommentare automatisch löschen lasse).

Da die Anzahl der hier vorhandenen Kommentare nicht gerade enorm ist, habe ich um den Spamfilter zu trainieren auch noch die Seiten meines spamgeplagten Wikis hinzugenommen. Auch dort funktioniert die Spamerkennung nach anfänglichen Schwierigkeiten (False-positives) problemlos.

Dieses "Wundermittel gegen den Spam" habe ich nicht etwa selber entwickelt sondern ich habe einfach die Spam Filter Klasse von an meine Bedürfnisse angepasst.
Allen Spamgeplagten kann ich den Einsatz eines Bayes'schen Spamfilters sehr empfehlen!

Thursday, 17. November 2005Week 46


Since I didn't have English courses for almost five years and since I plan to do an exchange year in 2006/2007, I'm actually following an English preparation course for the Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE) with the target to do the certificate in July 2006.
The course is hold at the language center of the EPFL and is also paid by the EPFL (only the course, not the certificate).

It seems that for the course I have to write a sample letter each week. I thought this would be a good oppurtunity to easily add some English content to this weblog and this way there are much more people who can find mistakes and eventually give me some hints on how to improve my writing skills :-)

There we go, here is the first letter we had to write, already with the corrections.

Dear Thomas,

LikeAs you probably know, I help at the "Satellite" and we're organizing a concert tomorrow.
It's a concert ofwith two post-rock groups called "Rosqo" and "Beautiful Leopard".

"Satellite" is located on the second floor of the "CM" building of the EPFL. The concert starts at eight o'clock and finishes around midnight.

It seems that the two groups are quite popular, so please tell me if you can come as fastsoon as possible, so that I can reserve a ticket for you.

Since you're coming from Luzern there aren't any trains atafter midnight. But this isn't a problem, I'll organize a bed for you.

If you're not too tired after the concert, we could go out to the city and visit some discos.

Hope you'll come to the concert.

Best wishes


Tuesday, 1. November 2005Week 44

CSS Reboot Fall 2005

Am Wochenende bin ich per Zufall auf die CSS Reboot Seite gestossen.
Da ich am Sonntag Nachmittag nichts Interessantes vorhatte, ist innerhalb eines Tages das neue Design entstanden :-)

Wer immernoch das mittlerweile etwas verbleichte alte Layout sieht, soll bitte hier klicken um zum neuen zu wechseln.

In Mozilla Firefox, Opera und Safari sieht die Seite ziemlich genau so aus wie gewünscht, aber im Internet Explorer stimmt wiedereinmal gar nichts :-(