Monday, 30. December 2024 Week 1

How to link to any text on a page

Text fragments allow linking to any text on a page, not limited to <a name="anchorname"> anchors or elements with an id="anchorname" attribute.
To achieve this it introduces the special #:~:text=... prefix which browsers recognize and navigate to the text on a page.[prefix-,]textStart[,textEnd][,-suffix]

The simplest case is to just use textStart:

example link

By using the textEnd we can link to a whole section of a text:,per%20month

example link

And with prefix- and -suffix we can further control the exact location when there are multiple matches:,screenshots

example link,-repo

example link

There is also a corresponding CSS pseudo-element which can be used to style the linked to text fragment on a page:

::target-text { background-color: red; }


Friday, 27. December 2024 Week 52

Scheduled Screenshots

Alex explains in this article how to automatically take regular screenshots of their website.
The automation happens with a GitHub Action that uses Playwright to take the screenshots and then stores them in the Git repository.
Alex has made the repo public, thus we can have a look at how this is implemented.

I followed the steps listed in their repo and did setup my own scheduled screenshots repo.
It will now take some screenshots of my blog once per month.

A project for the future will be to leverage the Internet Archive to backfill my repo with blog screenshots of the last 22 years 😅
Thankfully Alex did some pioneering work on this already and wrote two articles which will become handy:

How to create a highlighter marker effect in CSS

In this article Max explains how to build a highlighter marker effect using only CSS.
The result is a nice looking effect to spice up the default highlighting style of the <mark> element.
This is the resulting CSS code from the article (now integrated in the blog here):

mark {
  margin: 0 -0.4em;
  padding: 0.1em 0.4em;
  border-radius: 0.8em 0.3em;
  background: transparent;
  background-image: linear-gradient(
    to right,
    rgba(255, 225, 0, 0.1),
    rgba(255, 225, 0, 0.7) 4%,
    rgba(255, 225, 0, 0.3)
  -webkit-box-decoration-break: clone;
  box-decoration-break: clone;
Thursday, 26. December 2024 Week 52
Wednesday, 25. December 2024 Week 52

A win for net neutrality

ComCom orders: Swisscom must operate zero-settlement peering with Init7

This will cause implications in the industry at home and abroad. The proceedings revealed that Swisscom together with Deutsche Telekom had formed a cartel in order to force payments from content providers. Internet providers have a technical monopoly on access to their end customers and Swisscom acted as a kind of gatekeeper; only those who paid “enough” could send traffic (e.g. video streaming) to their end customers [...].
Monday, 23. December 2024 Week 52
Sunday, 22. December 2024 Week 51

Pseudoscripting with <noscript>

In the Pseudoscripting with <noscript> article, James McKee explains a nice trick for writing CSS that detects when Javascript is disabled.
It combines the <noscript> element with a Container Style Query, to provide clearly defined CSS classes that are active/inactive whenever Javascript is enabled/disabled.

I took this as inspiration to make some recently added Javascript-only pages on the blog degrade a bit more gracefully for non-Javascript users.
In the case of the On this day page and the Search page, there is now a message shown explaining that this functionality requires Javascript.
This is done simply with the <noscript> element and works well.

Additionally I used a trick similar to the one from the article to hide the Javascript-only content with CSS on these pages (eg. the search form).
This is achieved with the following CSS class definition which hides elements when Javascript is not enabled.

    .js-only { display: none !important; }

With this in place, I can now mark all Javascript-only elements with the js-only class.
They are then hidden when someone uses the page with Javascript disabled, and visible for everyone else.

Saturday, 21. December 2024 Week 51