Friday, 27. December 2024 Week 52
Alex explains in this article how to automatically take regular screenshots of their website.
The automation happens with a GitHub Action that uses Playwright to take the screenshots and then stores them in the Git repository.
Alex has made the repo public, thus we can have a look at how this is implemented.
I followed the steps listed in their repo and did setup my own scheduled screenshots repo.
It will now take some screenshots of my blog once per month.
A project for the future will be to leverage the Internet Archive to backfill my repo with blog screenshots of the last 22 years 😅
Thankfully Alex did some pioneering work on this already and wrote two articles which will become handy:
In this article Max explains how to build a highlighter marker effect using only CSS.
The result is a nice looking effect to spice up the default highlighting style of the <mark>
This is the resulting CSS code from the article (now integrated in the blog here):
mark {
margin: 0 -0.4em;
padding: 0.1em 0.4em;
border-radius: 0.8em 0.3em;
background: transparent;
background-image: linear-gradient(
to right,
rgba(255, 225, 0, 0.1),
rgba(255, 225, 0, 0.7) 4%,
rgba(255, 225, 0, 0.3)
-webkit-box-decoration-break: clone;
box-decoration-break: clone;
Thursday, 26. December 2024 Week 52
Two nice CSS tricks from Alex:
Wednesday, 25. December 2024 Week 52
ComCom orders: Swisscom must operate zero-settlement peering with Init7
This will cause implications in the industry at home and abroad.
The proceedings revealed that Swisscom together with Deutsche Telekom had formed a cartel in order to force payments from content providers.
Internet providers have a technical monopoly on access to their end customers and Swisscom acted as a kind of gatekeeper;
only those who paid “enough” could send traffic (e.g. video streaming) to their end customers [...].
Monday, 23. December 2024 Week 52
Commercial tea bags release millions of microplastics when in use.
A UAB research has characterised in detail how polymer-based commercial tea bags release millions of nanoplastics and microplastics when infused.
The study shows for the first time the capacity of these particles to be absorbed by human intestinal cells, and are thus able to reach the bloodstream and spread throughout the body.
Sunday, 22. December 2024 Week 51
In the Pseudoscripting with <noscript> article, James McKee explains a nice trick for writing CSS that detects when Javascript is disabled.
It combines the <noscript> element with a Container Style Query, to provide clearly defined CSS classes that are active/inactive whenever Javascript is enabled/disabled.
I took this as inspiration to make some recently added Javascript-only pages on the blog degrade a bit more gracefully for non-Javascript users.
In the case of the On this day page and the Search page, there is now a message shown explaining that this functionality requires Javascript.
This is done simply with the <noscript> element and works well.
Additionally I used a trick similar to the one from the article to hide the Javascript-only content with CSS on these pages (eg. the search form).
This is achieved with the following CSS class definition which hides elements when Javascript is not enabled.
.js-only { display: none !important; }
With this in place, I can now mark all Javascript-only elements with the js-only class.
They are then hidden when someone uses the page with Javascript disabled, and visible for everyone else.
Saturday, 21. December 2024 Week 51
120 Subgenres of EDM (w/ examples)
Thursday, 19. December 2024 Week 51
The Most Popular Recipes of 2024 from New York Times Cooking.
We’ve published over 1,000 delicious recipes this year. Here are your favorites: microwave chocolate pudding cake, one-pot chicken and rice, peanut butter noodles, taverna salad and more.
Tuesday, 17. December 2024 Week 51
While integrating Opengist to serve code snippets in the blog, I discovered that everytime a snippet is loaded a _csrf cookie is set by Opengist.
This is not very cool, and I've found a way to prevent this using nginx.
Why is this _csrf cookie not cool on embedded code snippets?
- It is not necessary (as the embedded code snippet does not provide any links/actions to perform on the Opengist instance where CSRF protection would be needed).
- It sets a third-party cookie for everyone visiting the blog.
- It breaks caching of the embedded code snippets on browser side (as the cookie is updated on every request).
How did I prevent the _csrf cookie with nginx?
I'm using the following (simplified) nginx reverse proxy config in front of the Opengist docker container.
It has a conditional if
section where the headers-more-nginx-module is used to remove the Set-Cookie HTTP header, on the responses for the embedded code snippets.
The if
condition is specific to my username and will need to be adjusted to your setup of course.
server {
location / {
if ( $uri ~* ^/x-way/[0-9a-fA-F]+\.js$ ) {
more_clear_headers "Set-Cookie";
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
This is a quite ugly hack.
I submitted a pull-request for Opengist to exclude the embedded code snippets from the CSRF middleware.
Let's see where this leads 🤞
Sunday, 15. December 2024 Week 50
Decided to self-host the handful of code snippets I embedded into the blogposts over time.
This will be one less dependency on an external service (GitHub Gist) for running this site :-)
I choose Opengist for hosting my code snippets.
Although I already run a GitBucket instance, I decided not to use it for hosting the code snippets of the blog.
This because in the past I had some performance issues and crashes that were triggered by Bots overloading the Docker container.
The installation of Opengist went very smooth.
It does not come with many dependencies and brings it's own SQLite database file (which should be more than enough for the code snippets in the blog).
I was positively surprised by the MFA and seamless Passkey integration it provides out of the box.
Also can it be configured to allow embedding/sharing of snippets for everyone while restricting the listing and editing to logged in users only.
And as an additional security benefit it helps to reduce the complexity of my CSP policy 🔐
If you're curious to see how the code snippets are rendered, have a look at the blogposts here or here.