120 Subgenres of EDM
The Earworm Eraser
The Earworm Eraser is a 40-second audio track designed specifically to squash earworms — a song on repeat circling around and around in your brain that can't easily be shaken off.
Another weekend, another festival - Subset Festival
No festival this weekend. Did some hiking with friends instead.
Last weekend I attended the Subset Festival. It was the first edition of a new drum and bass focused festival.
There were some great artists there, most of them I knew before and was very much looking forward to see them live.
My favorite one was (unsurprisingly?) Andromedik, but also liked Hybrid Minds, Netsky and Andy C.
Very cool was that the festival was rather small, so felt quite intimate and super close to the artists.
Could post the same music video as two weeks ago (Andromedik's remix of The Feeling, which he said is a song very close to his heart), but you should also discover some other tracks.
Thus here we go with the recently released Paradise 🥳
Another weekend, another festival
I'm continueing my festival summer also this weekend. Yesterday I've attended the Simmentaler Bier Festival, which celebrates the 10 year anniversary of the Simmentaler Bier brewery.
The festivities included some fine music from far away and not so far away.
Rooftop Sailors opened the afternoon with their refreshing rock music.
Then came my favorite, Open Season, which was a nostalgy throwback as I was attending their concerts already 22 years ago ❤️
Last band of the day was Delinquent Habits, which brought their habit from LA to serve the public Tequila shots during the concert.
Lost Frequencies - The Feeling
One of my favorite moments from the second weekend of ZÜRICH OPENAIR 2024: the concert of Lost Frequencies, especially the drum&bass live performance of The Feeling 🥳
Artemas - I Like the Way You Kiss Me (Bassjackers Remix)
Catchy memory from the first weekend of ZÜRICH OPENAIR 2024: Armin van Buuren's version of Artemas - I Like the Way You Kiss Me, which is very similar to the Bassjackers Remix 🔊
Lucie Antunes - Carnaval
Amazing discovery from the recent Paléo Festival: Lucie Antunes
Hilltop Hoods - Laced Up
Some vibes from Australia ❤
Sub Focus, Dimension, Culture Shock & 1991
Some very fine Drum and bass. Recently got to experience two of them live (Sub Focus & 1991), and have plans to see Dimension next :-)
Especially like the little The Prodigy mixin starting at 1:04:30 🥳
Here's a bit older mashup. Happy Australia Day!
Dr Putin isch
Ein Lied für Jetzt
The Comet Is Coming
The Comet Is Coming is a 21st century style Jazz band.
Discovered at the Jazznojazz festival :-)
Raid The Arcade
The Day Is My Enemy
Looking forward to see the live performance at the Future Music Festival 2015 :-)
The Cyborgs
The Cyborgs is a two man 'elektrock' boogie band.
Thank you Sat Rocks for showing me their music :-)
Octave Minds
Major Look - Too Late
Big Day Out
One advantage of being in Australia during the swiss winter is that you can go to music festivals in January! And so I did :-)
Last thursday I went to the Big Day Out festival in Sydney.
What is interesting compared to festivals in Europe is that in Australia the festival starts at 11 in the morning and ends at 11:45 in the evening, whereas in Switzerland festivals start around 5 in the afternoon and end around 5-6 in the morning.
I really liked the performances of Parkway Drive, Miss Kittin, Röyksopp, Bassnectar, Kasabian, Soundgarden and Regurgitator.
Also it was nice to catch a glimpse of The Jezabels, Hilltop Hoods, Kitty, Daisy & Lewis and the show of Kayne West.
A bit disapointing was the performance of Cavalera Conspiracy. They even had to fallback to popular Sepultura songs (Refuse/Resist, Roots Bloody Roots) in order to get the crowd moving. On the other hand it was lucky for me, so I got to see a live concert of Sepultura (performed by the founders of Sepultura!), something I didn't think I would ever see after Max Cavalera had left the band.
Unfortunately the last train back was before the end of the festival and so I did miss Nero.
Keren Ann
Listening to Keren Ann is just perfect when you have to work on a rainy Sunday.
Thank you Metropop for showing me her music.
Music for a hard wake-up in the morning II
Tagada Jones — Une fois de plus (Industrial Version)
Music for a hard wake-up in the morning
Die Toten Hosen — Strom
Disc of this Summer: La Phaze - Miracle
Qu'en est-il de Noir Désir?
On s'est remis au boulot. On projette d'enregistrer un album durant l'hiver prochain… C'est court, mais on a besoin d'une échéance pour se structurer.
Jamendo rocks!
Des jours sans rien
Je me rapelle ces cellules vides
Tout petits bouts de vie sordides
Je passe ma journée à attendre
Que quelqu'un tente de la comprendre
Il vaut mieux apprendre à mentir
Se supporter tant mal que pire
Mieux vaut apprendre à oublier
Que tous les jours faut se lever
Trouver la force d'y croire encore
Quand tout notre corps hurle "assez"
Sourire à des gens inconnus
Quand ceux qu'on aime ne sourient plus
Dans la galerie de nos amours perdues
Se souvenir que l'on n'est rien
Qu'un paranthèse dans le destin
Sous-particule du genre humain
Et ces journées sont toutes les mêmes
Avec nos peurs et nos "je t'aime"
Avec cette solitude amère
On vit – on meurt et on espère
Une dernière lettre abandonée
Du rouge à lèvres sur un café
N'importe quoi pour oublier
Que tous les jours faut se lever…
Cette chanson décrit pas mal les trois semaines que je viens de passer à l'armée
Fünf Fragen über Internet und Musik
Und wieder eine Ausgabe der freitäglichen fünf, diesmal zum Thema Musik und Internet.
Nutzt du kostenpflichtige Angebote zum Musikdownload? Wenn ja, welche und wenn nicht, warum nicht? Nutzt du kostenfreie (legale) Angebote?
Nein, ich nutze weder einen kostenplichtigen noch einen kostenlosen Musikdownload-Service. Meistens kaufe ich CDs direkt an einem Konzert oder ich bestelle sie bei cede.ch.
Spielst du ein Instrument?
Aktuell nicht mehr, aber früher habe ich Schlagzeug gespielt.
Wie hat sich dein Musikgeschmack entwickelt? Haben Musikangebote aus dem Internet evtl. Einfluß auf diese Entwicklung?
Bedingt durch mein Studium in Lausanne, hat mein Musikgeschmack in letzter Zeit etwas einen französischen Touch erhalten.
Musikangebote aus dem Internet haben keinen Einfluss auf diese Entwicklung, hingegen die Konzerte im Satellite schon eher :-) -
Bist Du mit der derzeitigen Gesetzgebung zum Thema Privatkopien vertraut?
Deine Platten-, CD- oder MP3-Sammlung ist dein Schatz? Gibt es besondere Schmuckstücke?
Ein Schatz nicht direkt, aber ich verleihe meine CDs nicht gerne.
Eigentliche Schmuckstücke oder richtige Raritäten besitze ich nicht, aber diverse CDs sind signiert und mit einer Widmung versehen.
Samael – On Earth

Before we could talk
We were singing
Before we could run
We were dancing
Life is short
But not a day is lost
The world goes round and round
And we go on and on…
Beijing to Amsterdam
Berlin to Buenos Aires
Sydney to L.A.
Rio to Abidjan
Stockholm to Athena
Dublin to Guatemala
London to Brasilia
Madrid to Philadelphia
Paris to San Francisco
Detroit to Warszawa
Moscow to Mexico
Oslo to New Dehli
Helsinki to New Orleans
Vienna to Ankara
Roma to Lisboa
On earth, we're all
Dancing with the hidden tribe
Learning to move and fly
Touching the sky with our hands
Longing to love to understand
Dancing with the hidden tribe
Learning to move and fly
Touching the sky with our hands
Longing to love to understand
Wide World!
Our World!
New York to Tokyo
Melbourne to Budapest
Prague to Jaipur
Shangai to Montreal
Vancouver to Singapore
Sofia to Johannesburg
Hong Kong to St. Petersburg
On earth, we're all
Dancing with the hidden tribe
Learning to move and fly
Touching the sky with our hands
Longing to love to understand
Dancing with the hidden tribe
Learning to move and fly
Touching the sky with our hands
Longing to love to understand
Wide World!
Wide World!
Our World!
Dancing with the hidden tribe
Learning to move and fly
Touching the sky with our hands
Longing to love to understand
Dancing with the hidden tribe
Learning to move and fly
Touching the sky with our hands
Longing to love to understand
Nightwish - The Pharaoh Sails To Orion

"Get away from me!
Take heed to thyself and see my face no more!
for in the day Thou see my face
Thou shalt die!"
– Exodus 10:28
A constellation of divine architecture built on Earth
A holy harbour – Orion
Nautical ascension to the firmament
Ship-shaped barrows open my heart to the wisdom of this land
Sailing with the Serpent Chimera of a fiendish sandman
The Unicorn arrives with the westwind to dream His funeral
"Thou art born for Horus dwells in Thee"
Slumbering with the ebb and the flow of this foaming tomb
"Thou art born for Seteh dwells in Thee"
Reveal your face to me and guide me through the Stygian fields
Enthral my soul to Sepedet’s beams to serve Your will
Sailing on the distant seas from darkness to deliverance
Tales like the ocean written to the Draco’s glance
Ruling with the scythe of death you tear our philosophies apart
An ancient starwalk to merge into the stars
"Open thy veins for my venom
Kiss the cobras with thy twisted tongue
So shalt thou join the empyrean circus
Where beggars mourn and seraphs dance
In this twilight cathedral
Shall I wed thee,
O Bride of the Netherworld"
Sailing on the distant seas...
Join my soul the Hunter in the sky
Balélec 2004
Le vendredi j'étais au Balélec et c'était vachement cool. 30 groupes sur 7 scènes pour 20 Francs, cela on ne trouve pas ailleurs.
On se voit l'année prochaine, au 25-ième Balélec!
Bouton Satellite
Là il y a 2170 boutons, mais aucun du Satellite. Donc j'ai crée moi-même un bouton pour le Satellite.
Joyeux Anniversaire Satellite
La semaine dernière j'ai passé presque tous les jours, soirs et nuits au Satellite . Il y avait la fête de 20 ans de Satellite. Et puis le weekend il y avait des concerts vachement génials.
Closed Air 03
Johnny Colère
Oublie ton père, oublie ta mère
Oublie ton coeur, oublie tes moeurs
Johnny m'a dit, Johnny m'a dit
Tupamaramos, Cangaceiros
C'est le camp qu'il faut choisir
Johnny m'a dit, Johnny m'a dit
Tout ça un soir ou le ciel zèbre d'éclairs
Nous déclarait "Nous allons fonder le parti unique"
Johnny m'a dit, Johnny m'a dit
Rejoins tes frères, rejoins tes soeurs
Bois le sang de ton ennemi
Johnny m'a dit, Johnny m'a dit
Ecarte le rouge, écarte le blanc
La seule couleur, c'est noir brillant
Johnny m'a dit, Johnny m'a dit
Tout ça un soir ou le ciel zèbre d'éclairs
Nous déclarait "Nous allons fonder le parti unique"
Et la victoire caresse l'espoir de nous appartenir
Et la victoire caresse l'espoir de nous appartenir
Car il faut tenir
Johnny m'a dit
Johnny m'a dit
Johnny m'a dit
Johnny m'a dit
Noir Désir - Tostaky
Im Radio gehört
Noir Désir
Woke up on the ground, i've thought "the earth is round"
so what about this new day on my way
is there anything new, what are we gonna do?
woke up in the silence then i've heard that song
and a voite said
"this is not a bad joke
this message's done for you
you've got to work hard more
and more
for the holy economic war".
but it couldn't be no hallucinations
then i've read the story of the new nations
lord it's just as you please, i get down on my knees
god, it's wonderful to find the meaning of life
"this is not a bad joke
this message's done for you
invade the whole world
don't forget the new password
everbody sings you have
no choice in the matter
i'll become your blessed manager
you've got to produce more and more
for the holy economic war".
business force...
oh holy yeld, oh holy hell
In Extremo
Es war einmal ein König an Land und Dingen reich
Der saß auf seinem Throne finster und bleich
Was er sinnt ist Schrecken, was er blickt ist Wut
Was er spricht ist Geißel, was er schreibt ist Blut
Einst zog zu diesem Schlosse ein edles Sängerpaar
Einer hat schwarze Locken, der andre ist grau von Haar
Der Graue sprach zum Jungen: "Sei bereit mein Sohn,
Spiel die besten Lieder, stimm an den vollsten Ton!"
Es regnet, es regnet Blut
Es regnet den Spielmannsfluch
Es spielen die beiden Sänger im hohen Säulensaal
Auf dem Throne sitzt das Königspaar
Der König so prächtig wie blutiger Nordenschein
Die Königin so süß wie der Sonnenschein
Sie singen von Lenz, Liebe, Heiligkeit
Sie zerfloss in Wehmut, Lust war auch dabei
Ihr habt mein Volk geblendet, verlangt ihr nun mein Weib?
Der König schreit wütend, er bebt am ganzen Leib
Es regnet, es regnet Blut ...
Des Königs Schwert blitzend des Jünglings Brust durchdringt
Statt der goldnen Lieder nun ein Blutstrahl springt
Der Jüngling hat verröchelt in seines Meisters Arm
Dann schreit der Alte schaurig, der Marmorsaal zerspringt
Du verfluchter Mörder, du Fluch des Spielmanns Tun
Umsonst sei all dein Ringen, mit Blut befleckt dein Tun
Des Königs Namen meldet kein Lied, kein Heldenbuch
Versunken und vergessen- das ist des Spielmanns Fluch
Es regnet, es regnet Blut ...