Thursday, 19. December 2024 Week 51
Saturday, 22. June 2024 Week 25
Sunday, 12. April 2020 Week 15
Sunday, 11. December 2011 Week 49

(Mini) Bacon and Egg Cups

Last week I stumbled upon this delicious looking bacon and egg cups recipe and thought that I should try it sometimes, which I did this morning.
Since I don't have a real muffin tin I used a somewhat smaller cake tin, with the result that the handling was a bit more delicate and also my cups are more like 'mini' cups (which is not necessarily a bad thing because the bacon I bought was also smaller than expected and thus it matched perfectly).

Bread with holes
This is the result of the first step in the recipe and all what is leftover once I was finished. Not very useful for putting jam on it anymore, but perfect to stir the next cheese fondue :-)


  • 1 slice of bread per muffin cup (1 slice per 4 cups for the 'mini' version)
  • 2 slices of bacon per muffing cup (use small slices for the 'mini' version)
  • 1 egg per muffin cup (same for the 'mini' version)
  • 1 tablespoon shredded cheddar cheese per muffin cup (optional, I used some parmesan instead)
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
    (that's 190 degrees celsius)
  2. Use a cookie cutter to cut circles out of each piece of bread.
  3. Grease a muffin tin and press circles of bread in the muffin cups. Place in the oven and bake for 5 minutes or until bread is slightly toasted. Remove from oven.
    (be careful when doing the 'mini' version, your bread will be toasted in well under 5 minutes)
  4. Cook bacon in a skillet until halfway cooked (approximately 3-4 minutes).
    (here again: when using small bacon slices they will be ready in less than a minute, be careful to not make them too crispy otherwise they will be hard to fit into the cups)
  5. Place 2 slices of bacon on top of the pieces of bread to form a cup (the bacon should cover the bread and the sides of each cup).
  6. Crack an egg into each muffin cup (on top of the bacon). It helps to discard a little bit of the egg white after cracking and before pouring into the muffin cup.
    (for the 'mini' version keep the surplus egg white in a bowl and use it to make some 'only-white' cups, one egg gives enough surplus egg white for another cup)
  7. Place in the oven and bake for 18-20 minutes or until the eggs are set.
    (for the 'mini' version use 8-10 minutes, I almost burned mine!)
  8. Sprinkle cheddar cheese over each egg and continue to bake until cheese is melted (this step is optional).
  9. Season with salt and pepper to taste and serve.


bacon and egg cups

bacon and egg cups sideview

The advantage of my 'mini' version is that you will end up having plenty of little bacon and egg cups, yummy :-)

plate full of bacon and egg cups

Monday, 20. January 2003 Week 4


Dimanche on était à Vevey dans l'Alimentarium. C'est une musée très intéressant et très recommandable!

On y pouvait faire des Madeleines avec cette recette:

Madeleines à l'huile d'olive
Selon une recette espagnole

Pour 9 à 12 moules

1 oeuf
110 g sucre
85 g huile d'olive
150 g farine
1/2 c. à café poudre à lever
75 ml de lait
1 pincée sel

Mélanger le sucre, l'oeuf, le sel.
Mélanger la poudre à lever avec la farine.
Incorporer alternativement le mélange poudre à lever-farine, l'huile, le lait.

Si on préfère une texture fine, ne pas trop battre la pâte.
Au contraire, pour qu'elle forme une belle boule sur le dessus, travailler la pâte au moins 5 min au batteur électrique.

Graisser les moules au pinceau avec un peu d'huile.
Remplir les moules aux trois quarts.

Cuisson: env. 15 min à 180°C