Wednesday, 12. March 2025 Week 11

Quoting Steve Yegge on Claude Code

I recently tried out Claude Code for both some personal project as well as some work project.
Was very impressed how far the AI coding assistants have come already.
Looks like a powerful tool when used by an experienced software engineer.

I've been using Claude Code for a couple of days, and it has been absolutely ruthless in chewing through legacy bugs in my gnarly old code base. It's like a wood chipper fueled by dollars. It can power through shockingly impressive tasks, using nothing but chat. [...]

Claude Code's form factor is clunky as hell, it has no multimodal support, and it's hard to juggle with other tools. But it doesn't matter. It might look antiquated but it makes Cursor, Windsurf, Augment and the rest of the lot (yeah, ours too, and Copilot, let's be honest) FEEL antiquated.

Steve Yegge, who works on Cody at Sourcegraph


Saturday, 8. March 2025 Week 10
Friday, 7. March 2025 Week 10

If your content is only on social media, I'm not going to see it

If your content is only on social media, I'm not going to see it by Cory Dransfeldt.

If you only post on social media, I won't see it. If you don't have an RSS feed, I won't follow it, I won't subscribe to it. I don't want want your app because I don't want a homescreen full of apps for publications and platforms.
I don't have a fear of missing out. I am missing out. I've come to terms with that. Algorithms can be a convenient means of surfacing relevant content. They can be. But those algorithms are tailored by platform operators whose aims are (very) often not aligned with yours. They tailor content discovery purely to keep you hooked. Eyeballs to ads, money to shareholders.

Or as commented on by Mike Sass:

Same same. Just get an RSS feed, and stop relying on the hegemonic platform silos.


Wednesday, 5. March 2025 Week 10

tmux - the essentials

Tmux - the essentials is a concise article by David Winter giving a gentle introduction to the tmux terminal multiplexer.

  • tmux create a new tmux session
  • tmux ls list any existing tmux sessions
  • tmux a reattach to the last open tmux session
  • ctrl + b the default tmux command prefix
  • prefix + d detach from current tmux session
  • prefix + c create a new window
  • prefix + 0-9 to switch to the numbered window
  • prefix + , rename the existing window
  • prefix + % split the current pane into two vertical panes, left and right
  • prefix + " split the current pane into two horizontal panes, top and bottom
  • prefix + q view numbered panes for current window
  • prefix + q, 0-9 switch to pane immediately after displaying pane numbers
  • prefix + z to zoom and unzoom


Friday, 28. February 2025 Week 9
Wednesday, 26. February 2025 Week 9

SPACE Framework: 5 Metrics That Actually Work

In SPACE Framework: 5 Metrics That Actually Work, Csaba Okrona explains the five dimensions of the SPACE framework for developer productivity. For each dimension he presents examples of real-life indicators.

Satisfaction and Well-being: The Foundation

  • Work-life balance metrics (after-hours commits, weekend work patterns)
  • Team survey responses about job satisfaction
  • Voluntary overtime trends
  • Project ownership satisfaction
  • Learning and growth opportunities

Performance: Outcomes Over Output

  • Feature adoption rates
  • Customer impact metrics
  • System reliability improvements
  • Technical debt reduction impact
  • Time-to-value for new features

Activity: The Daily Reality

  • Time distribution across different types of work
  • Code review participation patterns
  • Documentation contributions
  • Technical design involvement
  • Mentorship and knowledge sharing activities

Communication and Collaboration: The Force Multiplier

  • Code review response times
  • Cross-team collaboration frequency
  • Knowledge sharing effectiveness
  • Documentation quality and usage
  • Meeting efficiency ratings

Efficiency and Flow: The Productivity Engine

  • Time blocked on dependencies
  • Context switching frequency
  • Deployment pipeline efficiency
  • Build time trends
  • Interruption patterns
Tuesday, 25. February 2025 Week 9

How Core Git Developers Configure Git

How Core Git Developers Configure Git

What `git config` settings should be defaults by now? Here are some settings that even the core developers change.


# clearly makes git better

        ui = auto
        sort = -committerdate
        sort = version:refname
        defaultBranch = main
        algorithm = histogram
        colorMoved = plain
        mnemonicPrefix = true
        renames = true
        default = simple
        autoSetupRemote = true
        followTags = true
        prune = true
        pruneTags = true
        all = true

# why the hell not?

        autocorrect = prompt
        verbose = true
        enabled = true
        autoupdate = true
        excludesfile = ~/.gitignore
        autoSquash = true
        autoStash = true
        updateRefs = true

# a matter of taste (uncomment if you dare)

        # fsmonitor = true
        # untrackedCache = true
        # (just 'diff3' if git version < 2.3)
        # conflictstyle = zdiff3 
        # rebase = true


Sunday, 23. February 2025 Week 8

The IndieWeb Doesn't Need to "Take Off"

There's a corner of the Internet where people have been reclaiming their digital independence by hosting their own websites and promoting the idea of owning your own content—it's called the IndieWeb.
This movement promotes the idea that individuals should control their own digital presence through personal websites. But every time this topic comes up in online discussions, someone inevitably claims that the IndieWeb hasn't taken off!
The IndieWeb doesn't need to go mainstream to be meaningful. It's a celebration of a more personal, decentralised, and creative world wide web. And for those of us who still care about these values, it is already meaningful.

The IndieWeb Doesn't Need to "Take Off"Susam Pal

Wednesday, 19. February 2025 Week 8


MapCanvas creates beautiful map portraits.
You can enter any city and have it generate minimal custom maps.
And if inclined also order them as printouts and framed posters.

MapCanvas of Zweisimmen
