15 years of o5

15 years ago this weblog received the current o5 design (or theme as it would be called nowadays).
During this time the design has aged quite well and also survived the move of the backend from a self-written PHP blog-engine to Jekyll.

Although it still works surprisingly well and presents the content nicely every day, there are some parts where better usage of contemporary technologies would be desirable.
It has no mobile version nor a responsive layout as the design was created before the now omnipresent smartphones were invented. Similar is the font-size hardcoded and not very adequate for todays retina displays. And yes, it uses the XHTML 1.0 strict standard with all its quirks and CSS tricks from 2002 (which luckily are still supported in current browsers).

Overall I'm quite happy that the o5 design has turned out to be so timeless and that I did not have to come up with a new one every other year (btw: I don't remember where the o5 name came from, likely the 5 is a reference to 2005 when it was created).

With the current Corona situation forcing me to spend more time at home again, I have the feeling that some things might change around the weblog (not quite sure what or when exactly, first I need to re-learn how websites are built in 2020 :-).

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