Let's Encrypt recently introduced support for ACME-CAA.

I've now extended my existing CAA DNS entries with the ACME-CAA properties:

% dig +short -t CAA
0 issue "; accounturi=; validationmethods=http-01"
0 issue "; accounturi=; validationmethods=http-01"

The effect of this is that Let's Encrypt will only grant a signed TLS certificate if the request comes from one of my two accounts (authenticated with the corresponding private key).
If the certificate request comes from a different account, no TLS certificate will be granted.
This protects against man-in-the-middle attacks, specifically against attacks where someone between Let's Encrypt and my server would be trying to impersonate my server to obtain a signed TLS certificate.

In case you're wondering where to get the accounturi value from, it can be found in your account file:

% cat /etc/letsencrypt/accounts/*/regr.json
{"body": {}, "uri": ""}

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