tmux - the essentials

Tmux - the essentials is a concise article by David Winter giving a gentle introduction to the tmux terminal multiplexer.

  • tmux create a new tmux session
  • tmux ls list any existing tmux sessions
  • tmux a reattach to the last open tmux session
  • ctrl + b the default tmux command prefix
  • prefix + d detach from current tmux session
  • prefix + c create a new window
  • prefix + 0-9 to switch to the numbered window
  • prefix + , rename the existing window
  • prefix + % split the current pane into two vertical panes, left and right
  • prefix + " split the current pane into two horizontal panes, top and bottom
  • prefix + q view numbered panes for current window
  • prefix + q, 0-9 switch to pane immediately after displaying pane numbers
  • prefix + z to zoom and unzoom


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