Downgrade Quagga on Debian 8

The Quagga version in Debian 8 (v0.99.23.1) suffers from a bug in ospf6d, which causes that no IPv6 routes are exchanged via point-to-point interfaces.

In order to workaround this problem (and re-establish IPv6 connectivity), a downgrade of the quagga package can be done.
For this we add the 'oldstable' entry to sources.list and pin the quagga package to the old version.

Entry to add to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb oldstable main

Entry to add to /etc/apt/preferences:

Package: quagga
Pin: version 0.99.22.*
Pin-Priority: 1001

After the entries have been added, run apt-get update followed by apt-get install quagga to downgrade to the old quagga package.

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