Ich habe mein Wallpaper-Script noch ein bisschen ausgebaut. Nun wird das ausgewählte Bild in ~/.pekwm/start eingetragen, damit es bei jedem Start von pekwm automatisch geladen wird.

# 2003 by x-way -
# Add this to your menu, if you have pekwm's dynamic menu support:
# SubMenu = "Backgrounds" {
#   Entry { Actions = "Dynamic /path/to/this/file /path/to/your/wallpapers" }
# }

use warnings "all";
use strict;

if($ARGV[0] eq '-set') {
        my $wallpaper = $ARGV[1];
        open(PKCONF, "<$ENV{HOME}/.pekwm/start") or die "Can't open ~/.pekwm/start";
        my @file = <PKCONF>;

        my @file2 = ();
        my $set = '';

        foreach (@file) {
                s/^xsetbg -center ".*"/xsetbg -center "$wallpaper"/gi;
                push(@file2, $_);
                if(index($_, 'xsetbg -center') == 0) {
                        $set = $_;
        if($set eq "") {
                push(@file2, "xsetbg -center \"".$wallpaper."\"");
        open(PKCONF, ">$ENV{HOME}/.pekwm/start") or die "Can't write ~/.pekwm/start";
        print(PKCONF @file2);
} else {

        print("Dynamic {\n");

        for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@ARGV); $i++) {
                my $dir = $ARGV[$i];

                opendir(DIR, "$dir") || die "Can't opendir $dir: $!";
                my @backgrounds = grep { (! /^\./) } readdir(DIR);
                closedir DIR; 

                foreach my $x (@backgrounds) {
                        my $y = $x;
                        $y =~ s+.*/++g;

                        if(! -d "$dir/$x") {
                                $y =~ s/\.[^\.]*$//g;
                                $y =~ s/(_|-)[0-9]{3,4}(x[0-9]{3,4}|)//g;
                                $y =~ s/_/ /g;
                                $y =~ s/%20/ /g;
                                print("Entry = \"$y\" { Actions = \"Exec xsetbg -center \\\"$dir/$x\\\" && $0 -set \\\"$dir/$x\\\" \" }\n");
                        } else {
                                print("Submenu = \"$y\" {\nEntry { Actions = \"Dynamic $0 \\\"$dir/$x\\\" \" }\n}");


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