How Core Git Developers Configure Git
How Core Git Developers Configure Git
What `git config` settings should be defaults by now? Here are some settings that even the core developers change.
# clearly makes git better [column] ui = auto [branch] sort = -committerdate [tag] sort = version:refname [init] defaultBranch = main [diff] algorithm = histogram colorMoved = plain mnemonicPrefix = true renames = true [push] default = simple autoSetupRemote = true followTags = true [fetch] prune = true pruneTags = true all = true # why the hell not? [help] autocorrect = prompt [commit] verbose = true [rerere] enabled = true autoupdate = true [core] excludesfile = ~/.gitignore [rebase] autoSquash = true autoStash = true updateRefs = true # a matter of taste (uncomment if you dare) [core] # fsmonitor = true # untrackedCache = true [merge] # (just 'diff3' if git version < 2.3) # conflictstyle = zdiff3 [pull] # rebase = true